
Simple and Easy Cream Puffs

Written by admin


These cream puffs are the dessert people BEG me to bring to parties. What they don’t know is how truly easy they are to make! The first time I ate them, I was seven weeks pregnant with my first child and we were visiting Pennsylvania for Christmas. I was doing my best to eat healthy and had not gained any weight yet. Then, out came a plate of these beautiful Cream Puffs for our first night’s dessert.

Mmmmm Cream Puffs!

I have an idea that involves these little treats, and I can’t wait to share it with you! But first, I’ll share the basic recipe… and stay tuned for a fun and scrumptious little twist to the cream puff!

“An easy and impressive way to make a great dessert. Whip them up and watch them disappear!”


1/2 cup one stick butter

1 cup of water

1 cup flour

4 eggs

2 small boxes instant vanilla pudding, 3.4 oz each

1 1/3 cup cold whole milk

powdered sugar


Cream Puffs:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Melt the stick of butter and water to a rolling boil

Stir in flour and stir vigorously over low heat until mixture leaves the pan (comes off the sides) and is in a ball (about 1 minute)

Remove from heat and cool for a couple of minutes

Beat in eggs (one at a time) with a mixer

Beat mixture until smooth and velvety

Drop by spoonfuls (walnut sized) onto a baking sheet lined with a silicone mat or parchment paper

Bake until DRY, 20-25 minutes (maybe longer)

Allow cream puffs to cool completely


Mix instant vanilla pudding with whole milk until the pudding is dissolved

Put the mixture in the refrigerator (at least an hour)


Slice the cream puffs in half and fill with the chilled pudding

Sprinkle with powdered sugar

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